About Me:
I obtained a doctorate from the Discrete Mathematics group at UBC in May 2023, advised by Jozsef Solymosi. My research interests include Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry, Number Theory, and Harmonic Analysis. I am currently a J.L. Doob Research Assistant Professor at the University Illinois Urbana-Champaign working with the group of Jozsef Balogh.
- G. Currier, J. Solymosi, E. P. White, Additive structure in convex translates, European Journal of Combinatorics, (2024).
- R. Goenka, K. Moore, E. P. White, Improved estimates on the number of unit perimeter triangles, Discrete Comput Geom, (2023).
- E. P. White, An optimal \(L^2\) autoconvolution inequality, Canadian Math. Bulletin, (2023).
- E. P. White, A new bound for Erdos' minimum overlap problem, Acta Arithmetica, (2023).
- J. Solymosi, E. P. White, Concylic intervals in the plane,, Discrete Comput Geom, Eli Goodman special issue, (2023).
- D. Di Benedetto, J. Solymosi, E. P. White, Combinatorics of intervals in the plane I: trapezoids, Discrete Comput Geom, (2023).
- E. P. White, R.K. Guy, R. Scheidler, Difference Necklaces, Jour. Int. Seq., (2022).
- G. Martin, E. P. White, C. H. Yip, Asymptotics for the number of directions determined by \([n]\times [n]\) in \(\mathbb{F}_p^2\), Mathematika, (2022).
- J. Solymosi, E. P. White, C. H. Yip, On the number of distinct roots of a lacunary polynomial over finite fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, (2021).
- D. Di Benedetto, J. Solymosi, E. P. White, On the directions determined by a Cartesian product in an affine Galois plane, Combinatorica, (2021).
- A. Berk, E. White, Up in the Air: The Mathematics of Juggling, Crux Mathematicorum, (2019).
- J. Solymosi, E. White, On rigidity of unit-bar frameworks, Graphs and Combinatorics, (2019).
- M.S. Cavers, K. Seyffarth, E.P. White, Distinguishing chromatic numbers of complements of Cartesian products of complete graphs, Discrete Math., (2018).
- J. Balogh, E. P. White, Grid drawings of graphs in three-dimensions, Submitted, (2024).
- J. Balogh, T. Nguyen, P. R. J. Östergård, E. P. White, M. C. Wigal, Improving Uniquely Decodable Codes in Binary Adder Channels, Submitted, (2023).
- R. Goenka, K. Moore, W. R. Sun, E. P. White, On Axial Symmetry in Convex Bodies, Submitted, (2023).
Short CV:
- NSERC PDF, 2023-2025
- PhD Mathematics, UBC, 2023
- UBC Mathematics Graduate Research Award, 2022
- Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship (CGS D), 2019-2022
- Killam-Donald N. Byers Memorial Prize, 2019-2021
- MSc Mathematics, UBC, 2019
- BSc (Honours) Pure Mathematics, University of Calgary, 2017
PhD Thesis
Topics in Discrete Analysis
Master's Thesis
On Rigidity of Unit-Bar Frameworks